Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Choo choo

Warren Buffet bought a railroad!

My first thought was: He's Mr. Monopoly. But some wise-ass commenter at the Globe & Mail beat me to it, saying that B&O, Reading, Short Line and Pennsylvania were next.

I loved Monopoly as a kid. Haven't played in a long, long time.

They should put Warren Buffet's picture on the Monopoly box instead of Jacques Parizeau's. By jove.

Speaking of riches beyond my imagination, I see that the new lotto has a prize of $50 million this week. I guess I have to shell out the $5 to give it a try. $50 million. As my sis said: That would totally ruin our lives. I had to agree. So, of course, we're both buying tickets.

I'm sick at home today, with the non-swine-flu. I feel so untrendy having a regular cold. I'm old fashioned.


Anonymous said...

But aren't you out of sick days???

JAW fan

NB: I hate Monopoly...it could however be improved if it came with a pop-o-matic dice thrower, like Trouble...I now leave the floor to Mr. Anon who, if I'm not mistaken, knows the words to that commercial.

Anonymous said...

Trouble margarita party it is then! Mrs. A.

Anonymous said...

"If you've got trouble - wait! don't run!/this kind of Trouble is lots of fun/Popomatic pops the dice/pop a 6 and you move twice/race your men around the track/and try to send the others back/lots of fun for Dad and mother/and Sis can trouble her mean old brother - that's Popomatic Trouble!".

And if this is wrong, so be it, but I can proudly say I didn't look it up.

Brian Busby said...

The ruinous effect of winning $50 million would be greatly decreased if shared with your loyal readers.

cityofmushrooms said...

I wanted to ask where I could find a monopoly set w/by-jove-parizeau's face on it
but am now distracted w/the pop-o-matic jingle now stuck in my head.

note: whenever mr mushrooms and I try to amuse/annoy the off-spring by chanting this excellent old ad or even candyman era sammy davis songs-they just roll their eyes and return to youtube or facebook--kids today...

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

Share my winnings? But the whole point of Monopoly or Lotto is to keep all the money in a giant pile and toss in the air whilst saying "Mine, mine, mine". Isn't it?

JAW Fan, I had 1/2 a sick day left for the calendar year as of this morning. As of now, I officially have 0.

Mr. A. is a mean old brother.

susieq said...

I'm just over a cold too, which lasted about 3 weeks (I have plenty of sick leave) but on both visits to the doc I was, like you, hoping for something a bit more exotic than "its just a cold and a virus" but it was not to be.