Monday, November 02, 2009


Well, sigh, Mayor Doofus is back for 4 more glorious years.

Makes you wonder if democracy really is the best form of government 'cause, frankly, the people are idiots.

Not that we had much of a choice. It was a really poor field.

At least the mafia can sleep soundly at night, knowing their contracts are safe. Keep picking up my garbage and fallen leaves, you trusty mafia guys. Much appreciated.

Speaking of the mafia, 60 Minutes had a cool story about The Yakuza last night. Did you know that their tattoos are so dense, they can't sweat. And this leads to many of them getting liver disease? The things you learn. TV is very educational.

1 comment:

cityofmushrooms said...

it may be the mafia, but it's YOUR mafia