Friday, April 17, 2009

My two musical cents worth

I’ve been thinking about the whole Susan Boyle phenomenon for a couple of days now. She certainly has a lovely clear-as-a-bell voice. That’s for sure.

It’s nice to see a talent recognized and hopefully rewarded. She’s probably going to make a pile of money from a CD. Simon Cowell will make more than she will, I’m sure, but that is his talent.

I just can’t get passed the audience reaction. A standing ovation throughout. Why? Because, wow, she can sing but she isn’t beautiful. Therefore we must stand-up and scream hysterically about it. Huh? If she had been conventionally attractive, nobody would’ve stood up. What does that say about the audience, other than the obvious? i.e. that they are narrow-minded morons. Where does this social conditioning come from? How long has it been the rule that a good singer can only be beautiful? I guess this is the reality show standard.

Also, this self-congratulation that so many people seem to have on being so open-minded that they acknowledge her gift, despite her appearance. How generous. How can people be so proud of a reaction they should be ashamed of? The dang world's turned upside down.

Maybe it’s because I come from the world of Celine Dion and Ginette Reno and (gulp) Patsy Gallant, but we’ve always known that you don’t have to be conventionally attractive to have a singing career. You just need opportunity, good management and good publicity. And catchy tunes.

And stop picking on Susan about her eyebrows! As a lifelong, proud sporter of thick, unplucked brows, I say at last our time has come. She will lead us out of obscurity. At least for 15 minutes.


Anonymous said...

On Patsy Gallant, this is what I've to say...
"I'm a star in New York, I'm a star in L.A." *
Just the mention of her name.
Proves that non-beauty can equal fame.
And where is Mushrooms at a time like this,
Hurry and get your PC fixed, Miss!
You're missing the fun, can't you see?
It's not every day we reference Patsy G.

JAW fan

* sung, while dancing wildly around in his office workstation.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

we stand to apologize for what we were thinking - that she would be a failure and an embarrasment. It's like - you go girl! You proved us wrong and man do we feel like scumbags for being so shallow as to judge you by your cover. Shame on me, I apologize, clap clap clap clap.

Anonymous said...

p.s. and why did the greek irish dancing guys get a standing ovation?

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

the greek guys got a standing ovation too. I didn't watch it until the end.

Perhaps they just like standing ovations in English, just like here.

cityofmushrooms said...

uni-brows rule!