Saturday, March 21, 2009

Life is short, Part 5233 in a series

Another month, another funeral for another friend in my age group. This is getting to be a bit much, I think.

Anna and I worked together for a while, and she gave me my first kitty cat, the much-feared and near-universally loathed Miss P. (But I loved Miss P and that's what counted! So she hissed a little, big deal.)

Anna was also my room-mate on my first trip to China. She was a fun gal. Always cheerful, never a bad word about anybody.

She was 51 and had had lung cancer for about 5 years, and fought it as long as she could. It is a complete and utterly unfair world where someone like Anna dies and loads of miserable old effers live on forever.

RIP, fun gal. She's chuckling somewhere, and then throwing her head back and guffawing.

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