Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Let's Play "Explain the Joke"

Here is a "joke" that JAW Fan's colleague told him yesterday.
Our mission today: 1) to explain what the joke is and 2) to figure out what anyone would find funny about this, i.e. who laughs at this kind of joke.

There was an old Chinese man named Too Old To Kum.
He married a young Chinese woman named Too Young To Kum.
But then surprisingly they had a baby, so they called him Where He Kum From.

Editor's Note: I spelled "come" as kum in a feeble attempt to make these names appear remotely Asian.


Anonymous said...

actually...the punch line is "How Come He Come."...not that that makes it any funnier.

JAW fan

Anonymous said...

or should I say: How Kum He Kum"

JAW fan

Anonymous said...


Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

Leave it to me to mess up that hysterial punch line.

Brian Busby said...

Yeah, I was busting a gut - until I realized that baby has a different family name.

How kum?

It just makes no sense.