Thursday, July 09, 2009


Ok, let's tackle Stephen Harper and the Disappearing Host, shall we?

I say he pocketed it.

I watched the video. When one is given Communion, the Host goes from hand to mouth PDQ. Harpo kept fingering the thing, like he was at the roulette table in Vegas and it was his last chip.

If it don't go from hand to mouth is less than a second, it don't go to mouth at all.

It's in his jacket pocket, gathering lint, right now!

The PM's spokesman is paid to say was the PM tells him to say. So, yeah, having that stooge says Harpo ate the Host does not prove a thing.

I want Benny16 to take Harpo aside tomorrow, throw him into a confessional and say "Talk! Talk! Vee have vays of making you talk, you evangelical dumbo". If you don't want Communion, don't put your hands out. Sure Michaelle Jean stuck her hands out, but Michaelle ate raw seal heart! She takes everything in stride. Would Harpo eat raw seal heart? I think not. But then his jacket pocket would stink like crazy.

So, to summarize, the sky is blue, the grass is green and I still hate Harper. These are constants in life.


cityofmushrooms said...

gotta love you tube

Susieq said...

For the first time in weeks I logged onto the Globe and Mail online and this was the first story I saw! Why did Harper go up for communion if he's not Catholic?? Idiot!

Anonymous said...

I'm not catholic and I've taken it but then I'm just a rebellious bad girl protestant who happened to marry a catholic.

cityofmushrooms said...

"I've got God in my pocket and I don't know what to do with him (God in my pocket, God in my pocket)"

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

Great. I'll have that song in my head all day now...and I haven't thought of it in 20 years.

cityofmushrooms said...

hope it's in harpo's head today and tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow, the blockhead