Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Here we go

Another season of "fun" commences.
(This is where Susieq leaves a comment telling us it is 36 degrees in Melbourne....)


Anonymous said...

At least they're announcing 10 or 11 for Friday and Saturday.

Should be back in shoes by Monday morning.

JAW fan

cityofmushrooms said...

montreal snow!!

Anonymous said...

Lovely photo!!!! Well, I've not visited for awhile and I find pictures of snow and our erstwhile blogger hitting the Jack Daniels!!! Whats the world coming too!
Its not 36 here I'm afraid, only 25 and sunny.....

Susieq said...

Actually that post was from me- a slight keyboard malfunction.

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

Only 25. Alas.

cityofmushrooms said...

yo Susiq: BUNDLE UP!!