Friday, January 02, 2015

A Mystery

Every night between 11 and 11:30, a car pulls up in front of the house next door and a driver delivers some food.

It is never pizza.

It is an unmarked car, doesn't have a chicken on top or anything. It could be Chalet, since they use unmarked cars (for security reasons, no doubt. So nobody carjacks their chicken, fries, bottom half of bun and delicious, drinkable s'ohs.)

Every night. Around the same time. Without fail. Intriguing.


LLJ said...

Wish someone would deliver food to me...but I'm way too cheap to order food every night. Oh and welcome back too bad about TSMA, if it's any consolation I work for the laziest. It is infuriating what grown-ups don't want to do. I show him how to download and save a pdf at least monthly...

mshrms said...

the CPN'S?? or the other side?

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

The other side. The CPN's are too healthy and European to ever order in food. Assholes!

mshrms said...

the clash fan?
well, of course he SHOULD be ordering chalet every night!