Saturday, September 26, 2009

Grapes aplenty

Far be it from me to brag about how avant-gardiste, on-the-cusp, and uber-trendy I am, but this week both the Times of London and the Toronto Star had articles on how jam-making is the hot trend in kitchens this year.

Ahem. Old news, says I.

For the first time in 10 years, my backyard vine had an abundance of grapes. So I decided I could not, being Miss Recession Survivalist 2009, let them go to waste.

Two weeks ago, I took to jelly making. In order, here are pics of
1. the bounty on the vine,
2. the grapes as they were ready for squeezing, and
3. the final product: one jar frozen, one jar ready for eatin'.
As a first try, I was pretty pleased.

So, Times of London and Toronto Star? If you want to outdo me on trendiness, you got a long way to go, honeys.


cityofmushrooms said...

you avant-gardeest!

Anonymous said...

wow should we start saving our mason jars for you?