Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Work will make you free, Part 2

I don’t understand people. I really don’t.

My boss, She Who Will Not Retire, is diabetic. She takes 4 insulin shots per day.

We all now have a Crazy Big Boss who is a head case. Basically CBB works 24/7 and expects everyone else to do the same. Last night my boss, SWWNR, worked until 1:00 a.m. This was not planned or expected, but CBB kept a few people on a conference call for 2 hours. Conveniently, CBB was working from the comfort of her home, while my boss and two other managers were stuck here.

So my diabetic boss missed supper, missed her insulin shot at supper and did not get her bed time shot until hours later than usual. She had some kind of meal replacement during the evening. That was it. When I asked her why she could not excuse herself to come to her office and get her shot, she explained that she does not want CBB to know she quote has a disease unquote. She does not want to use her diabetes as an “excuse”.

I couldn’t help myself. I said, well, CBB is going to know when you collapse on the floor! Her response: if I collapsed, CBB would just want to know when I would wake up and be working again.

Even our middle manager does not know. My boss does not want any higher level managers to know. If that was me, I would excuse myself for supper just because I am an angry, angry bitch if I have to work when I’m hungry. Give me 15 minutes to grab something and I will keep going…and I don’t even have diabetes. But don’t ask me to work without food…not to mention a pee break!

This morning, she told me her sugars should’ve been at 8 and they were 22. Go ahead, fuckin’ kill yourself for your job. This kind of self-sacrificing is insane to me….especially since she is able to take early retirement TODAY if she wants to.


cityofmushrooms said...

at 22 she's doing serious organ damage--goodbye liver, if she keeps this up--also, it's irresponsible because when she collapses and the ambulance comes-who's going to tell them she needs a hit of sugar to avoid going into a diabetic coma? does she even have a medic alert card in her wallet? what if you're not there to casually mention the out of control diabetes to the paramedics?

Susieq said...

My goodness - what a fool!- as a diabetic also, I have to agree with cityofmushrooms here. My blood sugar was not even that high when I was diagnosed! My view of the world is - I don't care who knows, because then there are no secrets and I am absolutely assertive about making sure I eat when I have too - I've found even clients understand if you explain to them why you need to eat some yoghurt or something similar in the middle of a meeting. And I have a medicalert bracelet.
Having said all that, I am not perfect - planning for the next cocktail night is underway!!!