Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Appropriate response required?

I've received an email from Fancy Feast asking "how are things going with you"?

I don't know what to respond. This is our first communication since the Thanksgiving Day Near Massacre.

Ms Mushrooms interprets this email as actually saying "are you still mad at me?" and I believe this interpretation is correct. I am. But at the same time, I don't want to reject him to the point where I never get the $60 he owes me. LOL.

So what to answer? I don't want to say eff off because I know $60 is no big deal, but as FF himself said, it's the principle of the thing. I want my $60 and an apology. Which I won't get if I tell him to drop dead.

You know what's great? If this is the biggest problem I face all week, my life is pretty darn easy these days. And, that, I appreciate.

1 comment:

cityofmushrooms said...

doc mushrooms further comments: let him stew in his own turkey juices for a while--
wait! there is no turkey to juice up your reply-all-e-mail, alas