Wednesday, September 27, 2006

T.V. Commercials

I continue to like television commercials with juvenile jokes in them. My current favourite is for that new Nissan where there’s a telescope in the back of the car and it says: "Hey guys I can see Uranus". Ha Ha, I laugh every time.

What I don’t get are those commercials for Apple with John Hodgman playing the "PC” and some slinky guy in a T-shirt representing a “Mac”. In theory, these commercials are supposed to be enticing me to buy a Mac, but the PC guy is so much funnier and lovable, why would I want to be in with the Mac guy? He’s the kind of superior cool kid I normally dislike.

Last but not least, Capital One has brought back those Hand in my Pocket commercials. Just typing it has put the song in my head. Curse them.


Anonymous said...

If I have to hear that Tim Horton fan announce into the intercom/paging system:
"Bob...Sarah...Lunch!" one more time, I may scream! If he worked here and did that to me---Pow! Right in the Kisser!

JAW fan

Anonymous said...

Actually, it may be Bill (not Bob)
Either way, bring your lunch to work!!!

JAW fan