Monday, August 04, 2008

Political news from Down Under

TROY Buswell says he was not pushed but has stepped down from the WA Liberal leadership to help his party win the coming election. Mr Buswell today announced he was quitting the leadership following reports that internal Liberal Party polling showed it could not win government while he remained at the helm.

He has been the subject of increasing pressure to stand down since he admitted sniffing a female staffer's chair. (Herald Sun)

If a man can't sniff a woman's chair and still remain leader of a major political party, well then, what's the world coming to? What's next: a total ban of bra-strap snapping? No more leering at cleavage? I bet a man can't even roam the halls of Parliament in a drunken stupor while wearing his secretary's panties on his head anymore.

Those bloody feminists!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Politicians get away with a lot of stuff, but I find this one particularly weird and creepy. He also, while drunk, snapped a staffers bra strap. What a guy! If I was one of his kids, I'd change my name