Sunday, August 03, 2008

A.C. 3 (wherein I realize that I grow old)

We were staying at the Tropicana, and on Thursday morning we went to one of its many restaurants to have breakfast.

As we were being served our scrambled eggs, we noted to the waitress that she seemed really busy. We were informed that this was because she's also the bartender.

At the Trop, the bar opens at 8:00 a.m. and, believe me, she had a few customers.

I must be getting old because when I was younger I would've found it cool to see a bar open at 8, and people getting their drinks. But I watched a couple of guys shuffle by with their scotches (it was around 10:30 a.m.) and it seemed sad to me. I had the same feeling when we walked through the lobby toward the restaurant and I looked at the half dozen white-haired ladies, cigarettes dangling from their lips, playing the slots first thing in the morning. This is fun?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...personally, on vacation, drinking is permissable at all hours of the day...but regardless, here's my main agrument. If you get up at 5:00 in the morning (like I do), and have a drink at 10:30 AM, is it really any different than waking up at 10:00 and having a drink at 3:30 PM? both instances, you have been awake 5 and a half hours.

JAW fan (and alcoholic with a bag o' excuses)