Friday, November 07, 2008

Other people's dating problems

H, the daughter (age 20) of one of my good friends recently started dating a Muslim fellow. My friend is up in arms about this because she already sees her daughter being kidnapped while somewhere in North Africa. Oh well.

So, before deciding to “get serious” (euphemism) he asks H what her religion is. She said “Protestant” and it’s clear he doesn’t know what that is. (You’re not from around here, are you, son?) Anyway he looked worried and asked her if that meant Jewish. She said no. So onward they proceeded.

I said to my friend that Protestant is too specific. She should’ve just said Christian. Guaranteed he doesn’t give a shit about the differences between Protestants and Catholics (Sorry, Ireland). We’re all just soiled Christians in his book.

Anyway, everything seems fine but I see a big, big problem. He has already introduced her to the Koran. Run for your life, kid, says I. And this was even before the euphemism took place.


The quotable Kumar on Judaism, Christianity and Islam: “They all started from the same books, and then everything got all fucked up.” Couldn’t have said it better myself.

1 comment:

cityofmushrooms said...

I love that being protestant makes me or less jewish