Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Somewhere, Karl Marx is smiling

85 billion here, 85 billion there.
Pretty soon, you're talking real money.

So, down in Pinko America, the government saved a major private insurance company by taking over while handing them a 2-year loan.

On the news they say, markets breathed a sigh of relief. It's only 2 years, people. How dumb is "the market"? What do they think is going to happen in the next 2 years? Planet Earth will win the inter-galactic 6/49 and all our money problems will be over.

Maybe I'm an overly long-term thinker, but a 2-year respite, to me, means start looking for another job. In 2 years, the company is going to need another loan.

AIG = Welfare queen.

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