Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Larry and Mahmoud Show

I watched a bit of Larry King’s interview with Mahmoud last night. But watching Larry is torture at the best of times, and last night he was just too stupid to deal with. I preferred to watch very obese people getting weighed on the Biggest Loser. Actually, how can any show other than Larry King Live be rightfully called the Bigger Loser. But I digress….

Larry seemed unclear on one concept. If you are talking through an interpreter, you…don’t……talk…slow….Larry. The interpreter understands English. It’s not like the interpreter is going to say no comprendo in Persian.

Also, Ahmadinejad may not know who Sarah Palin is exactly, and what job she is running for, but he does know that going on Larry King means a softball interview. No wonder he’s becoming a regular.

Most nauseating thing I saw on the news this a.m. Palin kissing Henry (why isn't he dead yet?) Kissinger. You could tell the old war criminal was surprised and possibly thinking, hey I still got it.


Anonymous said...

Why do they keep dredging up that ghastly old man K? Did you see Sarah tried to ban the reporters from her meetings with all these people? CNN, providing the 'pool' film pulled its cameras from the meeting so there would have been no-one to even record the event - suddenly, her 'people' realised what an idiot this made her look (an even bigger idiot in my opinion)and reversed the ban.

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

Oh, really susie, you're just being sexist!!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, thats right! If we criticise Sarah (or Hilary) we are sexist - sorry, I forgot!!!! Was very disappointed to see our PM meeting with K as well. Is that a sexist remark?

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

Palin is nutty, nutty, nutty. What's with this comment about Putin rearing his head over Alaskan airspace? Now we know why the McCainiacs are keeping her under wraps.

For the first time, I'm thinking Obama can actually win this insane race.