Tuesday, July 22, 2008

In Real Mailbox News

Passive aggressiveness is its own reward!

Our usual mailman (oh, all right, letter carrier) must be on vacation because I have been getting other people's mail for a few days now.

Today I got some investment statements for the woman across the street. I just dropped them in her mailbox now.

Last Friday, I received a couple of similar looking envelopes for my hated Crazy Polish Neighbhour. They are still sitting on my shelf. When am I going to deal with them? Gosh, I don't know. They may sit there for a long time. I may eventually forget about them.

I think six weeks would be a nice delay. Six. One week for every foot of snow he dumped on my lawn last winter. (If I had a waxed mustache, I'd be twirling it now.)


Anonymous said...

hey, can you set your lawn mower to blow grass over on his side of the fence?

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

I do that. I specifically blow as much of it onto his driveway as possible and I don't sweep it up. Only about 2 passes of the mower can fly as far as his drive, but it's a small satisfaction I get once a week. He knows I'm doing it too. The grass just sits there.