Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Papal Visit '08

Benny 16 landed in the USA yesterday. There sure were a lot of Roman Catholics on the nightly news last night. Every network has its Papal Analyst on stand-by, I guess.

But CBS News wins because they have a correspondent who is a) an actual priest and b) hot-looking. Who can compete against that? And do you have to be raised Catholic to find certain priests hot-looking? Was any non-Catholic watching CBS News last night and thinking, wow, that priest is pretty hot? And would the same man, if he were not a priest at all, still be hot-looking? Or is it all in the collar? I like to believe this warped thinking is exclusive to Catholics. Warpedness is our home turf, after all.

Speaking of turf, the Pope will be saying Mass on Sunday at Yankee Stadium (that's where the Yankees play, in case you didn't know that). Suddenly, I feel a poem coming on...


Anonymous said...

I know what has sadly been missing from Poetry Month...Limericks.

So without further ado:

A Nazi who somehow turned Pope
Was trying to raise Catholic hope
He went to Stadium Yankee
Told an altar boy, "Spank Me"
And handed him a soap-on-a-rope.

JAW fan

cityofmushrooms said...

I think I had a comment but I am now only able to recite the above limerick repeatedly, giggling

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is so good!!! That made me laugh out loud - well done Anon.