Wednesday, September 19, 2007

World Report: Belgium in Crisis!

Apparently there is some big constitutional crisis going on in Belgium. Who cares, right?

Given the Belgian reputation, I don’t think there will be bloody fighting in the streets, but maybe both sides will look down their noses at each other mercilessly and snub each other ruthlessly.

This is a good time to mock Belgians, but I know two of them, and darn it, I like them both. So I’m at a loss.

And how can I complain about a country that gave us both Jacques Brel and mayo on fries? I'm surprised I'm not living there.


cityofmushrooms said...

not to mention jc vandamme and tintin!

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

Ack! I forgot about Van Damme, but of course, YOU never do.

Tintin rules!

cityofmushrooms said...

the muscles from brussels