Saturday, September 15, 2007

3:10 to Yuma

Saw it. Liked most of it. Hated the ending. Thought it was all wrong.

The one who dies should've lived; the one who lives should've died.

Russell Crowe plays a bad, bad man who is as seductive and charming as he is bad, bad. An easy part for him, I'd say, as he has always struck me as equal parts seductive, charming and bad.

Christian Bale is amazing. He's the only actor I know who is more powerful when he says nothing than when he speaks a line. He just looks at people and I get all goosebumpy. This being said, the highlight of the movie for me is the scene where he tells his wife that a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. It IS a Western after all. He delivers this fairly long speech all in a whisper and I was transfixed. He does so much with so little. Terrific stuff.

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