Monday, December 04, 2006

Today in public transit news

Some people are clueless morons.

On my crowded bus this morning, the back doors were not working. So when we got downtown and stopped at the first stop, the driver asked everybody to get off at the front. A dozen or so people were getting off, so it took a while for everybody to shuffle, shuffle, shuffle through the crowded aisle and make it to the front to disembark.

The bus took off again, and immediately some people started to move toward the front. Mine is the second stop, so I also stood up a block earlier than usual and started to walk toward the front. I noticed one guy stopping by the back door. Whatever, I thought.

We get to the stop and again shuffle, shuffle, shuffle, everyone gets off at the front in an orderly fashion. As I’m at the door, I notice the guy is now behind me and he stops and says to the driver “I just wanted to let you know that the back doors aren’t opening”.

The driver was a better person than I because all he said was “thanks”, whereas I wanted to turn around and go “Whhaaaaa? The doors aren’t oppppeninnnng????” in a very loud voice.

How do nitwits survive in this world?


Anonymous said...

I wonder how people like this actually get out of bed in the morning.

There is another theory - with every second person wearing ipods these days (I am not one of them), they can't hear announcements like that anymore.

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

I can attest that he wasn't an ipod person. As an ipod person myself, I notice the other pod people. He had no excuse.