Monday, August 22, 2011

Sad Monday continues: RIP Blackie

The fate of Blackie was revealed to me tonight. He died, and you will not believe where. In the CPN's backyard.

They were away last week and their daughter was home alone. She came to tell me that she found Blackie curled up under some lawn furniture one evening last week. She thought he was sleeping so she left him alone but after a few hours she realized he was dead. The next morning she called the SPCA and they took him away.

I am sad, but so relieved to know that he died quietly in a safe spot and was not mauled by a raccoon or run over by a car. He had been disoriented a couple of times in the past two weeks, so I guess he was sick but didn't really show it. Now I can sleep at night and stop worrying about him.

Mr. Cool chillin' in the backyard, July 2011.


Harry Flashman said...

Oh, R.I.P. Blackie :(

cityofmushrooms said...

he WAS a real cool cat
I'm glad I met him
--bye blackie--

Brian Busby said...

Given the chance, curled up under lawn furniture sounds a pleasant way to go. That or on some faraway beach... when the season's over.

RIP, Blackie.