Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Summer television is lousy

I tried to watch the fat people dating show that premiered last night. I figured I needed some mindless summer t.v. watching (not that I have a new t.v. yet!, she muttered).

Why do people watch these shows? This is the first one I’ve seen, and I couldn’t make it all the way through. Is there really that big an audience for cheesy romance? It’s weird and uncomfortable.

Question: am I just really old? When did it become acceptable to say “I’m a great person”. If you have to keep saying “I’m a wonderful person” then maybe you aren’t so wonderful. Is this what the self-esteem movement of the past 20 years has wrought? “I’m really wonderful. I’m a catch”. Oh Ms Stewart Smalley, shut up.

The Fatchelor seems like a nice guy, but the women are so needy and pathetic. (Note to self: Duh, it’s dating show!) How can every single one of them feel “a connection” in the first 2 seconds? Lame.

And as a fat girl myself, I have to say that fat girls shouldn’t wear short skirts. Really. I don’t show off my fat potato-stomper legs, and neither should you.

On Monday I failed at watching the people-dating-in-the-dark show, too. The women were okay, but one of the men was so annoying to me that I had to switch him off.

So my t.v. watching has been reduced to the Red Sox, who are thankfully on RSE a lot, and The Big Bang Theory. I noticed for the first time this week how much Jim Parsons has a Rowan Atkinson rubber face. They could play Bean & Son.


cityofmushrooms said...

I recommend dvd's ("Your mission Jim, should you decide to accept it...")

Susieq said...

Fat people dating?? What next? They tried some American show here called 'So you Think you can dance your're ass off' - fat people dancing!!! It lasted one episode.....
What sort of people go on these shows?

Anonymous said...

hmmmm...Fat people???

JAW fan

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

JAW fan, you'd like the fat guy, I think. Though he may be too young for you. Maybe they'll have another series featuring the fat guy's father?

Susieq, I too wonder what kind of person wants to be on a reality show.

Anonymous said...

Alec Baldwin is the only fat father I need...but since my chances of nabbing him are slim*, I'll have to settle for second best.

JAW fan

*get it??? slim chance of nabbing the fat guy.

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

Har har.