Friday, July 31, 2009

Nuthin' is like it used to be

I am, at this moment, eating Smarties.

This is the first time I have eaten Smarties since they got rid of the green, brown and blue ones which were apparently going to maim and kill us all slowly and painfully.

It's a bit strange to see only yellow, red, orange, purple and black ones. Are the black really black or just dark brown? I'm not sure. There's an overabundance of pink, though, that's for sure.

The first time they changed Smarties, when they added the blue ones, I thought: I'm not sure that I agree with this. It affected my sense of Smartie authenticity.

And, now, with the green ones completely gone, I am again left adrift by the changing Smarties. Never realized til now how much the green ones appealed to me.

Adrift, I say.


Anonymous said...

No more Green and Brown???...What you talkin' about, Willis???...When did this happen? Why wasn't I advised?...Is nothing sacred anymore?...There is still milk chocolate inside of them, isn't there????

JAW fan

cityofmushrooms said...

I thought I ate a green smarty (in trail mix) only last week--
perhaps they have put all the green ones in bulk trail mix

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

The dyes in the blue and green ones are TOXIC! TOXIC!! they tell us. That's why we all are dead. Aren't we?