Monday, July 06, 2009

Sad announcment

I am, and not for the first time, giving up chips. Smokers, I do understand you. I have lived and will now live again the agony of chip withdrawal. Alcoholics, I get it. I now will start each day vowing that, today, I will not eat a chip. Or a Cheeto. I can only plan for one day at a time. I consider myself a charter member of CA.

Yesterday, Day One, I snacked on Triscuits. They are yummy, for what they are. But the idea of trying to convince (or fool) myself that a Triscuit is in any way, shape or form, a substitute for a potato chip (or a Cheeto) makes me more than a bit depressed. What’s next? Rice cakes? Probably. Eat rice cakes and wear a hair shirt.


cityofmushrooms said...

and soon you can graduate to (yum!) soy milk (or soylent green)

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

I like soy milk. Does this score points?

cityofmushrooms said...

(chuck lives)

Anonymous said...

I was going to reveal that Soylent Green secret (only?) ingredient, but wondered if I should. What is with Chuck and memorable last scenes where he is raging? (this and Planet of the Apes - there are probably more...)

cityofmushrooms said...

it's those cold dead hands

Anonymous said...

stay away from Bugles. Beagles are okay though.

Anonymous said...

...Personally, I would stay away from the Triscuits as well. They may not be AS fattening as chips, but they aren't exactly a diet food.

My new refreshing summer snack...frozen grapes! mmmm!

JAW fan

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

I am two days into my "substituting Triscuits for chips" "diet" and I was down one pound this a.m. I feel a diet book coming on. Lose 20 lbs on the Triscuit Diet. Maybe I can get a corporate sponsor.