Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Day

My little heart is now set on being sent home around 3:30. I hope the powers-that-be in HR are thinking of me.

I'll have shovelling to do fer shure. Speaking of shovelling, a friend got a letter from her snow-removal thief, I mean contractor, saying that since we had now reached 150 cm of accumulation, they have fulfiled their contract for the year, and any additional removal they would do would be charged on a per centimetre basis. She is pissed off, and is resigned to shovelling for the rest of the season. And we are still in January. I find 150 cm to be a really low total for a contract. Didn't we get over 400 cm last year? Of course, we would surpass 150 in any winter. RIP-OFF ARTISTS!


Anonymous said...

that's crazy. Our contractor gets x pay for the season and some years it's his gain not ours. I didn't think we actually had that much snowfall this year. Ludicrous.

also speaking of crazy, what work place is going to let you go just for a measly 15-25 cm of snow. This is Quebec for pete's sake not BC! We have snow tires!

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

What kind of wimpy company, you ask? Well, JAW Fan's boss just told him he can go home.

Anonymous said...

I can hear you saying 'suckas' as your metro goes past the downtown core where we all continue to be working...

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

We got an email at 4:10 telling us we could leave at 4:00. I want those 10 minutes back.

Anonymous said...

Boy, is life different in the northern hemisphere! It was 44 here today (yes,thats centigrade....) and we're worrying about power cuts, bushfires, heat stress etc etc.