Monday, March 10, 2008

US Politics

I guess the big scandal in the USA today is that the Governor of New York State has been caught doing bidness with a prostitution ring.

My first thought was: What? But he's a Democrat!

I suppose if he was a Republican it would've been a teenage boy prostitution ring.

I've always thought Spitzer was okay. I don't think it's a big deal. Just makes him more of a Kennedy-type Democrat. Mayor Quimby would understand.

If that creepy senator from Louisiana can visit hookers and wear diapers while doing so, and keep his job, this Spitzer thing should not even be a front-page story.


Anonymous said...

Everythings a big story in election year.

Anonymous said...

Should it be front page news?...not unless the prostitute in question turns out to be Hilary's half-sister her father sired with his own half-sister.