Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Water goes on, water goes off

They are about to turn the water off again. sigh. At least we got a warning today. I knew it was coming because walking home from IGA I saw the trucks arriving and the pylons being put down to block the street. Then the "Fermeture d'Eau" truck went by with siren blaring.

Fortunately I had already showered, filled cat bowls with water, filled bucket for toilet, and pots for cooking. I also had time to finish washing dishes. And I have water for tea. So I'm just going to have to relax and live the old pioneer life for another day.

Apparently there was a break in the same place about a month ago, but that was in the olden days when I was at work during the day, so I had not been aware of it.

(Yikes, I have to go back to work next week. Now I'm kinda depressed.)

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