Saturday, February 09, 2008

Pre-Valentine Romance Moment

Last night I saw the cutest couple in the world. Walking along on the sidewalk.

Around 9:00 I looked out the living room window and there they were, just under the streetlight, side by side in blissful companionship. The two sweetest skunks I’ve ever seen.

I love skunks. The way they waddle. I find them jolly.

Normally I see only one at a time. It’s the first time I’ve seen a couple walking side by side. They went up one neighbour’s driveway, around their car, and back out, and then up the next neighbour’s drive. And then I lost sight of them. I guess they found some nice garbage to eat.


Anonymous said...

A cute story.

However, totally overshadowed by the news that - Shihab is no longer at CNN........

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

I don't get CNNI so I haven't seen him in years. why did he leave?

Anonymous said...

No idea at all.

Anonymous said...

Gah! He'd better turn up somewhere. No one that cute should leave TV....