Friday, May 18, 2007

Wolfie's a Goner

Another one bites the dust. You knew Wolfowitz's days were numbered when the White House announced that "all options were on the table" in his regard. Isn't that the phrase they usually use when they're planning a nuclear strike on you. I believe Iran raised its hand, and said: "Wait a minute, that's my threat! How dare you use it on someone else! "

So that means the only one left on the Get Lost List is Alberto Gonzales. He's really digging in his heels. That man's like a turd that won't flush.*

*Yesss! That's a "Waterworld" quote. A first!!


Anonymous said...

Oh Gonzales has to go. Did you here about his crazy antics when he was White House counsel? Badgering John Ashcroft, who was in the Hospital to sign off on illegal wiretaps? The FBI got involved to protect the guy and here's the surreal part, Ashcroft lectured Gonzales that the wiretaps were illegal and DOJ wouldn't sign off on them Is that the craziest story or what?

Anonymous said...

Concerned about Gonzales???...I'm more concerned with Nanuk's attempt at "terlet" humour.

JAW fan

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

I know. The idea that people are missing John Ashcroft speaks volumes.

JAW, I plan on quoting Dennis Hopper whenever I can from now on.