Thursday, March 08, 2007

Daylight Savings Idiocy

We have now received 4 quivering e-mails from our IT department warning us about the impending doom of early Daylight Savings Time. Enough already. Clearly these geeks are nostalgic for the glory days of the non-event of Y2K. They haven't felt so important in years.

How many times do they have to warn us to check and recheck our electronic calendars because we might show up at a meeting one hour too late or one hour too early. This is nuts.

I fully expect that between now and the end of the work week, IT staff will be dispersed around the building for the sole purpose of sneaking up behind every individual employee and screaming BOO!


Anonymous said...

Bit of deja vu here for me - we had the same thing last year when our daylight saving was extended one week (different to the rest of the country) for the Commonwealth Games -you would have thought the state was about to come to its knees! Just to confirm this, I do recall the clock on my PC at work having a few problems.......

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU!...I thought it was just here they were going crazy. They sent us a list of procedures we have to follow tomorrow to ensure that our time changes correctly.

Interestingly enough, due to March break, several people are on vacation this week. Is it safe to say their PCs will explode this weekend???


Anonymous said...

It's offical they've gone nuts about this here too. We've had contingency memos and everything.

Anonymous said...

Why is this any different to any other year? Are you changing over on a different date or something?

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

Yes, we are. It's 3 or 4 weeks earlier than normal. Thus, the world is ending.