Monday, January 15, 2007

Weather Watch

The building where I work is situated on a deceptive hill. It doesn’t look that steep, in fact, it appears rather harmless, unless you work here and you have to walk up the darn thing to get to anywhere that matters on your lunch hour. Or to reach your bus stop, which I do.

Anyway, on days like this, there’s hardly any time for blogging because all my time-wasting is devoted to looking out the window at cars spinning and spinning and spinning their tires trying to make it up that sneaky hill. Looks like the big trucks are the ones having most “fun” today. I’m on the 8th floor and, just now as a type, I can hear someone's tires whirring and zzzzzzeeeeing.


cityofmushrooms said...

you're going to have to change your name to nanuk of the frozen north

enjoy your weather courtesy of the west

after all, the snow really does belong to everybody


Anonymous said...

so, working hard then?