Thursday, January 18, 2007


Despite my efforts to be a patriotic CBC-watching Canuck, I just can't watch The Hour anymore because George S., well you know, he annoys the hell out of me. He's sooo annoying, but the other night he did a really terrific interview with my man, Henry Rollins.

What made the interview so great is that George asked a question and then that was it. He shut up and let Henry talk and talk and talk about all kinds of cool Henry stuff, like his trip to Tehran. And miraculously, George said next to nothing. Henry went close to 10 minutes talking non-stop, like it was a monologue, not an interview. It was great.

Henry is completely grey now. Jeezuz, when did that happen? It's that startling passage of time again, eh? How can he be grey? He's only 13 DAYS older than me.

If you care: and search for henry rollins

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