Friday, May 20, 2011

Today in weight gain news

You know you are ordering from Chalet too often when the delivery man forms a bond of friendship with your black cat.

The guy was practically rolling around on the porch with Blackie last night.


cityofmushrooms said...

you say that as if it's a bad thing

cityofmushrooms said...

and hey--I didn't know chalet delivered!

Anonymous said...

Does the delivery guy ring the doorbell before you get a chance to hang up the phone???

JAW fan.

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

Are you kidding? The delivery was SO slow last night I was going mental. The delivery guy is a little old man, and perhaps he drives like one. But he likes us because we tip well and we have Blackie as our goodwill ambassador.

Of course, since he is old, he shouldn't be down on his haunches playing with Blackie. If he falls and he can't get up, we will have a lawsuit on our hands.