Friday, September 24, 2010

Summary of my week

Ever have one of those weeks where it feels like nothing happened? This was the case for me, apparently. I'm trying to think if anything happened, other than receiving the sad, eventful email from my old friend (and everybody's favourite Xmas letter writer) in Toronto.

Monday: Worked. Watched House. It was rather lame. Watched Hoarders. It was good in that the people on the show remain far messier than me and that is a good, good thing.

Tuesday: Worked. Went to gym. Watched Biggest Loser. It was good in that the people on the show remain far fatter than me and that is a good, good thing.

Wednesday: Worked. Visited a friend who broke her ankle. Highlight: she knocked over the white wine bottle with her wheelchair. Fortunately it was 2/3 empty at the time. Ate brownies (still remain not as fat as the contestants on the Biggest Loser).

Thursday. Worked. Went out for dinner with the girls from work. Ate. Ate. Drank a bit. (still remain not quite as fat as the contestants on the Biggest Loser but I seem to be gaining on them)

Today: Working. Watching Mad Men finally. Reading Mad Men blogs. Feed cats. Sleep.

Yep. It's been that kinda week. On the bright side, my car did not get broken into by crackheads.


cityofmushrooms said...

TV will rot your mind!! (except for mad men and super slow motion close-ups of italian soccer players)

Susieq said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who has weeks like this....