Monday, July 05, 2010

Waaah! (but refreshing)

I'm back at work. grrr.

On the plus side, it's air conditioned. This would not have been a good week to be home, though I am tempted to take Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons off to...what the semi finals. Let's see how the workload looks, then I'll decide tomorrow morning.

Such a hard worker, me. I do have over 40 vacation days coming, so two more 1/2 days wouldn't hurt, would it? Nah.


cityofmushrooms said...

stay home and cheer for uruguay

Anonymous said...

40 days? seriously? can I have some?

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

Sorry, cannot share. I have "worked" moderately hard to accumulate those days.

Susieq said...

I have 13 months of sick leave!
You are lucky you can watch the games at a reasonable hour - here, both the semis and the final start at 4.30am. The joys of living in the southern hemisphere!

Susieq said...

I have 13 months of sick leave.....!
You are all lucky the games are on at such a reasonable time, here they start at 4.30am! The joys of living in the southern hemisphere...