Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Mel and other domestic issues

Mel Gibson's wife has filed for divorce. This will be the Hollywood $$$$$$ story of the Century.

But wait. Isn't Mel one of those Xtreme Catholics? The ones who think every Pope since Vatican II is going straight to hell for not being Catholicky enough? So how can he agree to be divorced? Won't he go to hell and have to share hell space with John XXIII?

If someone wants to divorce you and you don't want to be divorced, can't you just disagree to the divorce? I know someone right now who has been left hanging by his not-quite-ex wife. She is supposed to pay him a big settlement (or so we have heard) and she just keeps putting off signing the final papers, which is keeping him poor and sponging off his new girlfriend. (I'm with the soon-or-maybe-not-so-soon-to-be-ex wife on this one. She should leave him stewing for another 2 or 3 years. heh heh.)

In Mel's case, I think it would be a LOT cheaper for him to stay married. And he would guarantee his going to heaven too.


llj said...

Happily in California we have no-fault divorce. If one spouse wants out, all they have to do is file. The other can delay but not stop the inevitable.

I thought he was extra-Catholicky too, but then again I also think he's a nut job so maybe his soon-to-be-former wife decided it cancels out even the Pope.

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

Nuttiness trumps Catholicism every time, I think. In legal circles, that is.

Anonymous said...

The wifey wants to divorce Mel,
If he does he'll burn in Hell.
'Til then, on eggshells he'll be steppin'
But free to use his Lethal Weapon.
Yes, by weapon I mean "Bang"
(but the one that comes from usin' your wang.)

JAW fan