Friday, March 06, 2009

Is it possible?

Will the temperature climb above freezing for the next 3, 4 or even 5 days?

Dare I dream?

We so need a thaw. I'm desperate. Either I'm getting crankier or winter is getting longer and miserabler.


Anonymous said...

Don't're not alone...I'm officially at a stage where I cannot tolerate winter. It must be an age thing, because I have alreday decided that when I retire, I will be one of these people who goes down south for weeks/months at a time...(and not just for the chips)

JAW fan

Anonymous said...

yes we've also come to that conclusion as well. Although our kids birthdays are in the winter/spring which is tricky...oh and we couldn't go south and leave them while they're still in school (they might have a party and trash the place). By the way, Rowan is 9 today - yikes - that means we're going into the 10th year. Scary, I officially feel old now. Everything is officially heading south!