Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Please Don't Squeeze the Deceased

Mr. Whipple died. He was 91.

That's a long life. That's a lot of Charmin. I'm not even trying to make a joke outta this.


Anonymous said...

You'll have to explain this one for me!

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

The actor who played Mr. Whipple died. He was a character on t.v. commercials for toilet paper. He would get angry at people who would squeeze the Charmin t.p. and the catch phrase was Please don't squeeze the Charmin.

Anonymous said...

Thanks - you know, I thought Mr Whipple sounded like some sort of cream out of a spray can or ice cream or something. Probably because we have ice cream vans here called Mr Whippy.