Monday, July 30, 2007

God help us all

I know I haven't been very kind to Gordon Brown since he became PM, seeing as how he's duller than dishwater and totally lacking in pizzazz. But that being said, he hasn't had an easy time of it so far, what with the Glasgow attacks and the recent flooding. But I wasn't really ready to cut him some slack until I saw this photo.

How does one retain a modicum of dignity whilst being driven around by the DingDong-in-Chief in a cart called "Golf Cart One"? Golf Cart One, for fuck's sake. Bush is a child. This is so sad. Poor Gord-o. He really has done nothing to deserve this.

How much you wanna bet Bush calls him "Brownie". Or maybe "Sir Brownie" you know, because, he's, you know, British and all. heh heh.

He looks like he's Bush's baby-sitter. I weep for him.


Anonymous said...

Anywhere else the name of that golf-cart would be a joke, but not at Camp David.....

I saw the coverage on CNN - George, leaning over the podium in one of his friendly chatty moods saying how Gordon is such a great bloke blah, blah, blah...sickening.

I hate the way Western leaders rush off to the US as soon as they get elected (ours do it to)

Anonymous said...

How about "Lord Gord" as a nickname? GWB would probably find it "clever". Ahem.