Saturday, December 29, 2012


I don't have much to say about the Knuckles Day Storm of the Century. I was on the train coming home from the Holy City. Normally that is a 5-hour train ride, but it was 8 hours this time. Not fun The worst part was the final 90 minutes when we sat at Wellington, within sight of CN Station, stuck because a switching signal wasn't working. It was like seeing the promised land, but thinking we would never get there.

But my wee troubles were nothing compared to FF's ordeal in getting home from work. I shall quote his email:
I went to work. The day ended early, at 3 PM instead of 5 PM. The train never showed up, I ended up taking a different train (after 1 hour of waiting in the freezing cold wind and getting mild frost burn) that let me off at Parc, where I took the metro to Vendome and found that the buses all broke down in random positions on the road. I had to walk 3 KM through big mountains of snow. By the time I got home, I had frost burn on my hands and legs, and was wet up to my knees. I told them I didn't want to repeat that on Friday, they gave me the day off - unpaid.


Anonymous said...

I think Fancy Feast should be re-dubbed F**king Frostbitten.

He obviously didn't grow up here, did he???

Don't get me wrong...I loathe snow and everything associated with it!


mushrooms said...

poor l'il FF

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

Actually, he has been in Canada since he was 6. In Ottawa, which is pretty darn snowy.