Wednesday, September 21, 2011


An email from Mrs. Anon has reminded me of something funny at work.

Our Big Boss is a woman from China, with a typically Chinese name. One of the people in my department cannot remember her name so she always refers to her as "Ping Pong".

Even though I am totally appalled, I still find myself smiling at this. It's just so wrong.

Another colleague used to have a boss from West Africa who spent a lot of time on the phone speaking her native language. My colleague would complain that all day she had to listen to "ooga booga language" . Again, I'm appalled, but I can't help but laugh, mainly because I don't think people realize how horrible and ignorant they are being.

What a place.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's only funny if one of your close friends says it and it's an inside joke. Not so funny when someone randomly blurts this out to you.