Monday, June 06, 2011

And how was your weekend?

I don't want to say that we are turning into a stoner household, but on Saturday morning, after our bacon and eggs, FF asked if it was okay if he smoked. I said, sure, then joined him. Yep. Smoking pot at 10:30 on Saturday morning. I blame it all on my employer. If I wasn't so miserable at work, I wouldn't be looking for such an escape on the weekend. Right? I said, amiright?

On Saturday afternoon, he asked if he could smoke again, this time outside. I said sure. He said your CPN's are outside. I said: all the better. If they can smell it and it bugs them, it's a Win. So we sat out in the backyard, reading our books, and passing a joint back and forth. I still cannot smoke it right. Such a nerd. FF approaches Depp-like levels of coolness in his actions, while I cough and mutter that I'm not feeling anything. I keep thinking my nose is going to catch fire.

At 7:00 last night we were lying in the living room, drinking beer, smoking pot* and watching The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Great movie.

I love being 50.

*Clarification: FF was enjoying pot while I once again attempted to smoke and failed miserably at it. What am I missing? I'm apparently doing it right, but I'm not feeling anything, except being very tired and lethargic and lying on the couch enjoying Eli Wallach. Is that it? Is that all there is to it? Seems like much ado about nothing.


cityofmushrooms said...

Eli Wallach = key to enlightenment

we went to see the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly the night before miss mushrooms was born, and all survived-

Eli watches over all: women in childbirth and stoned 50 yr olds

Harry Flashman said...

You need stronger drugs! Try some crystal meth or cocaine next time!

Anonymous said...

Coincidentally, I tried smoking a few weeks ago, too, thinking "ahhh a good joint will help me cope with the utter misery of life"...and NOTHING!...not the slightest buzz...nada!!!

Looks like I will have to stick with tequila!

JAW fan