Monday, November 22, 2010

Hoarder No More?

Despite being under the weather over the weekend, I went on a decluttering frenzy.

My old t.v. and two non-functioning VCRs ended up at the curb, as well as a green trash bag full of stuff. Another bag went to the local charity, and my recycling box was packed full of old magazines.

I am so great.

See? As soon as I decide I will PAY someone else to haul away my junk, I suddenly am motivated to do it myself. Money talks.


cityofmushrooms said...

"Money talks. And bullshit walks"
Bobbi Flekman, This is Spinal Tap

(whatever it actually means--bravo, nonetheless)

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

Thank you. I thought of writing that, but then I realized I had no idea what it meant.

Susieq said...

Well done Nanuk! See, don't you feel better now??