Sunday, December 13, 2009

Today's on-line adventure

There's a new John Woo movie out called Red Cliff starring my fave Tony Leung.

I want to see it this week, and I decided to try an experiment. So I put an ad on ..... Craigslist.

Here is my ad:
"I'm a white female, 48, who is interested in seeing the movie Red Cliff at AMC this week, preferably Tuesday when it is cheap LOL. I'm a fan of Tony Leung and John Woo. I usually see this kind of movie alone, but this time I thought why not ask if there is any man out there interested in seeing it with me.

I'd prefer to meet a man under 48 years of age, Asian would be nice, but not necessary. If we get along, good; if we don't, at least we've seen the movie. :) "

Pretty straightforward, right? So far (i.e. about 2 hours on) I have received 7 responses, 2 of which seem normal and I plan on answering them. Neither of them is Asian. The others? I've got a 24-year-old Vietnamese guy with the tallest spikiest hair I have ever seen in my life. It's a great photo, trust me. And I got a guy who I can only assume is a "professional" as he has sent me a photo of his very large Which part of the ad did he not understand?

I'd always heard that Craigslist was an adventure. And so it is.

UPDATE: This is fascinating. Look at this normal message I received:
"hi there,
In case you have not found anyone yet (which I doubt, where do I take a number?), here's a 39 y/o white male who would be willing to catch that movie. Tuesday actually works for me, in the evening preferably. So if you are still looking, let me know".

I googled his email address to see if there was anything about him, and turns out he's an escort! The Internet is a scary place.


cityofmushrooms said...

the wang-o-meter must have stopped reading after the word

Brian Busby said...

Well, at least he has a job.

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

Good one, Brian. You always have a way of seeing the positive side.

Susieq said...

Yes, but how do we know its his wang??? Goodness, I had one go at internet dating (disaster!) and after reading your 'adventures' Nanuk, I'm not keen to give it another go.

Anonymous said...

Geez!!!...good thing you weren't looking to go to a midnight screening of "Faster, Pussycat, Kill, Kill"

JAW fan

Anonymous said...

...or worse!!!! "Beneath the Valley of the Ultra-Vixens"

JAW fan