Thursday, October 02, 2008

La politique canadienne

I watched the French debate on and off. It was 4 against 1. I would’ve enjoyed it more if the 4 oppositions folks had been given foam bats and actually smashed Steve over the head with them. But politics has not yet risen to that point.

Harper was really, really flat. No energy. Was he indifferent, or bored, or what? I dunno. But considering how much the Tories need Quebec to win their majority, I would’ve thought he’d be trying harder.

Best comment on radio this morning: Somebody should’ve given Harper a Red Bull.

I’ve always been an NDP woman, but I just can’t stand Jack Layton. He’s in love with himself. Just can’t stand him. On the opposite side, I disagree with the very existence of the Bloc, but I like Duceppe.

Consensus seems to be that Dion did very well. That’s good for those of us who are praying for a minority govt.

Last week, I watched Liz May on with Mansbridge, and I liked her and decided to vote Green, and last night, I was reassured in my decision. I like her. She did very well given her limited French, and all her grammatical mistakes. She’s really bad on mixing up “le” and “la”. But she was game, and she made her points, and she seemed sensible. So she won, in my book, and has my vote.

So, tonight, will I watch some of the English debate? Yes, for a while, but then I’ll have to switch to the highly anticipated train wreck that will unfold on CNN. Must see tv. Though I am reaching the point where watching Palin has become painful. That Supreme Court question last night on CBS had me squirming.

Go Red Sox!


cityofmushrooms said...

uncle stevie was wearing a fuzzy blue sweater under his suit--
I thought layton's french has improved from last debate, and liz may wasn't so bad but what do I know from le and la? I have a soft spot for gilles too despite the watch-me-break-up-the-country thing--and dion seemed to be wearing a superman cape knowing it's now or never to win you quebeckians who've got to save us from anti-gala-harper!

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

Speaking of le and la, go to Tetes a Claques, and watch the school one. I love those kids.

cityofmushrooms said...

re tac: don't pay those teachers enough...