Monday, December 10, 2007

Chip News

JAW Fan reporting:

Yesterday, I had the privilege of sampling two of the new President's Choice Asian-themed potato chips: General Tao flavour and Szechwan flavour. Were they Chinatown in a bag? No, they were not. But what a pretty bag they were...a nice rich silver colour with a dragon emblem. Probably the most beautiful chip bag I have yet to see. However, their spiel on the back (something along the lines of not needing chopsticks to enjoy Chinese food) was rather lame. But then, one does not purchase potato chips for literary reasons.

In any case, for anyone who might fear that these flavours would not translate well into a potato chip, fear these chips are about as Asian as Don Rickles in silk pants*. Does this mean that they were an unpleasant chip experience? Of course, not. The General Tao ones should really have been called "Hint-o'-Barbecue" It was not an intrusive taste whatsoever. In fact, one could have been snacking on them all evening without ever realizing the supposed-Chinese inspiration behind them. And had someone informed unaware eaters that these were General Tao, spit takes might have ensued.

As for the Szechwan chips, they were tangier and far more pleasant to the ol' tastebud. They had a nice zip and zing to them. I could best descibe them as All Dressed Light. Personally, I find All Dressed chips can be a little overpowering, but these Szechwan ones brought the flavour down a notch, making it a truly enjoyable party snack.

Overall, they would both score well on the wang-o-meter, the Szechwan, however, would probably rate an inch bigger, making him this weekend's winner in the chip locker room.

*Editor's note: Wha?

1 comment:

cityofmushrooms said...

welcome back: wang-o-meter