Wednesday, August 02, 2006


This is from the White House press briefing, regarding the fact that it was Venezuela that issued the health update on Fidel yesterday.

"The Bush administration said it viewed attempts by Venezuela or other countries to influence the transition in Cuba as unwarranted intervention. “The president is worried about people in the neighborhood who seek to destabilize neighbors using economic or other means,” Mr. Snow said. "

Good God almighty, the Bush Administration’s own plan to influence the transition in Cuba was revealed yesterday!

Their policy is "we can do stuff, but you can't" and they wonder why they aren't trusted.

Someone hand me a heavily buttered roll. I need to sit back and ponder this for a while.


cityofmushrooms said...

--forget that heavily buttered roll and stop pondering, already

--close that newspaper, you can do it, there now, miz nanuk, ease it closed
and turn off that tv (damn cnn), radio too and don't be reading the news online neither

--get thee to an airconditioned locale w/a book, you know novel, story, magazine (but NOT harpers, it will just get y'all going) and bury thine head in the sand for a bit

(that's why they call it SUMMER READING)

take a break from the world: get some good eats w/that summer book a yours--head to chalet and dunk dem fries in the s'oss while ye may
then get thee home and crank up the noisy tunes and dance around

and stop pondering for 5 minutes


signed dr mushrooms

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

I see. So basically that will leave me nothing to complain about but the weather!
Well, that's a whole other story!

Don't get me started.

Stupid tropical weather.

cityofmushrooms said...

head for the root cellar?

Anonymous said...

You need more than a buttered roll to deal with this nonsense! (are we allowed to swear here?) A few stiff drinks would be barely sufficient.