Saturday, May 20, 2006

They Always Get Their Man

Last night on the news on Radio Canada (that would be Radio Canada TV, not Radio Canada radio) there was a nice little story about two Mounties who are getting married. The thing is, they are both male Mounties. Apparently this will be the first same sex marriage between members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. This wedding will be taking place in that hot bed (!) of homosexual activism, New Brunswick. And both guys will be getting married in their dress uniforms, i.e. those familiar red tunics. I hope they bring their hats! They will look so smart. Won’t that be nice? The guys were so bashful and cute and in love, the whole story just made me go aw-shucks. Good for them


cityofmushrooms said...

party on, lads

Anonymous said...

What a great story - it could never happen here, at least not on an official level. Isn't Harper talking about banning gay marriage? You know, seeing him and his wife with Howard and his wife last week I thought, there's Howard and his clone, same with the wives.....

Nanuk of the North, older but no wiser said...

This is why the Conservatives have to remain a MINORITY government, so they can't change certain laws.
They're already happily and proudly destroying any Kyoto initiatives we might have (not that the Liberals had done much at all) but this anti-Kyoto club we are now in really doesn't make me happy.